
11840 jefferson blvd
culver city, ca 90230

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Who remembers Rock ’em Sock ’em robots?? Who wants to know why Peter is getting his butt kicked?? Who wants to know why I’m asking so many questions?? ?‍♀️ Family Guy recently celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a countdown of Seth MacFarlane’s favorite episodes. We were lucky enough to have them come back to us to update an old package we worked on to announce the milestone. Check it out and let us know what you think! ?..For more motion design, 2d and 3d animation (or if you just want to be our friend), check out ..#motiongraphics #design #animation #losangeles #culvercity #music #movies #commercials #promo #tv #cinema4d #maya #lovewhatyoudo #art #monkeyhead #familyguy #tbs #sethmacfarlane #comedy #anniversary #rockemsockem #90s #toys

Who remembers Rock ’em Sock ’em robots?? Who wants to know why Peter is getting his butt kicked?? Who wants to know why I’m asking so many questions?? ?‍♀️ Family Guy recently celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a countdown of Seth MacFarlane’s favorite episodes. We were lucky enough to have them come back to us to update an old package we worked on to announce the milestone. Check it out and let us know what you think! ?..For more motion design, 2d and 3d animation (or if you just want to be our friend), check out ..#motiongraphics #design #animation #losangeles #culvercity #music #movies #commercials #promo #tv #cinema4d #maya #lovewhatyoudo #art #monkeyhead #familyguy #tbs #sethmacfarlane #comedy #anniversary #rockemsockem #90s #toys

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